
目录 >简介

年鉴中文名: 杭州统计年鉴


年鉴年份: 2022

责任说明: 宦金元,吴槐庆,殷柏尧 主编

主编单位: 杭州市统计局;国家统计局杭州调查队;杭州市社会经济调查队

出版日期: 2022.10

页数: 427

人民币定价(元): 300.00

内容简介: 一、《杭州统计年鉴2022》是一部信息密集的资料性年刊。本年鉴系统收集了全市和各区、县(市)2021年经济和社会各方面的统计数据,以及多个重要历史年份和近年全市主要统计数据。 二、本年鉴分为13个篇章:综合;人口和就业人员;农业;工业、能源;建筑业;交通运输、邮电;固定资产投资;批发、零售贸易和住宿餐饮业;对外经济、旅游;财政、金融、保险;城市建设、环境保护;科技、教育、文化、卫生、体育;人民 ...

简约版 快照版


一、《杭州统计年鉴2022》是一部信息密集的资料性年刊。本年鉴系统收集了全市和各区、县(市)2021年经济和社会各方面的统计数据,以及多个重要历史年份和近年全市主要统计数据。 二、本年鉴分为13个篇章:综合;人口和就业人员;农业;工业、能源;建筑业;交通运输、邮电;固定资产投资;批发、零售贸易和住宿餐饮业;对外经济、旅游;财政、金融、保险;城市建设、环境保护;科技、教育、文化、卫生、体育;人民生活、物价、民政。为便于读者使用,各篇章附有简要说明和主要统计指标解释。 三、本年鉴中涉及历史数据,均以最新版本为准;本年鉴中部分数据合计数或相对数由于单位取舍不同而产生的计算误差,均未做机械调整。 四、2001年起,萧山、余杭撤市建区,市区数据含萧山、余杭区;2014年起富阳撤市建区,市区数据包括富阳区;2017年起临安撤市建区,市区数据包括临安区;2019年起区县分组新增钱塘新区,萧山区数据未做特殊说明的均含托管在钱塘新区的街道数据;2021年起撤销原上城区、下城区、江干区、拱墅区、余杭区,设立新的上城区、拱墅区、余杭区、临平区、钱塘区。 五、本年鉴表中符号使用说明:“-”表示这一栏没有数字;“…”表示该数字不足本表最小计量单位;“#”表示其中的主要项;“空格”表示该项统计数据不详或无该项数据;“”表示表下有注解。 六、本年鉴所使用的度量衡单位均采用国际统一标准计量单位,金额除特别标明外,均以人民币计量。 七、《杭州统计年鉴》公开出版以来,受到了社会各界的关心和支持,对此我们深表谢意。限于我们的水平,欢迎各界人士继续对年鉴的不足之处给予批评指正,帮助我们进一步提高统计年鉴的编辑工作,更好地为社会各界服务(网址:。 Ⅰ.Hangzhou Statistical Yearbook 2022 is an informative annual which contains very comprehensive statistics of Hangzhou's social and economic development in 2021,and selected data of recent years and some historically important years. Ⅱ.This yearbook is composed of 13 chapters:1.General Survey;2.Population and Employment;3.Agriculture;4.Industry and Energy;5.Construction;6.Transportation,Post and Telecommunications;7.Investment in Fixed Assets;8.Wholesale and Retail Trade and Hotel and Catering Trade;9.Foreign Economic Cooperation and Tourism;10.Finance,Banking and Insurance;11.Urban Construction and Environmental Protection;12.Science and Technology,Education,Culture,Public Health and Sports;13.People's Livelihood,Price Indices and Civil Administration.To facilitate readers,each chaper provides brief introduction and explanatory notes on main statistical indicators. Ⅲ.Please refer to the newly published version of the yearbook for updated historical data.Statistical discrepancies on totals and relative figures due to rounding are not adjusted in the yearbook. Ⅳ.Because of the change of urban administrative division,the data of Xiaoshan District and Yuhang District have been included into the urban districts since 2001,and it is the same for Fuyang District since 2014,Lin'an District since 2017.Qiantang New Area has been added into classification of districts and counties since 2019.Figures of Xiaoshan District without special explanation all include districts under administered by Qiantang New Area.Since 2021,the original Shangcheng,Xiacheng,Jianggan,Gongshu and Yuhang have been abolished,and the new Shangcheng,Gongshu,Yuhang,Linping and Qiantang have been established. Ⅴ.Notations used in this yearbook:"—" indicates that the column has no figure;"…" indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table;"#" indicates the major items of the total;"blank" indicates that the data are unknown or unavailable;"*" indicates"see footnotes below". Ⅵ.International standard units of measurement are applied in this yearbook,all amounts are denominated in RMB,unless otherwise indicated. Ⅶ.Since published openly,we are so grateful that the previous editions of Hangzhou Statistical Yearbook have been widely concerned and supported.In order to get further improvement in the yearbook editing,we welcome all candid comments and criticism from our readers(website: